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CSCS '24: Proceedings of the 2024 Cyber Security in CarS Workshop
ACM2024 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
CCS '24: ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security Salt Lake City UT USA October 14 - 18, 2024
20 November 2024
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It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the CSCS '24 - 1st Cyber Security in CarS Workshop. CSCS '24 aims to address current issues in the rapidly advancing field of automotive cybersecurity. The aim is to bring together academia and industry to address cybersecurity problems in the automotive domain. The CSCS '24 provides a forum for deliberating on the most recent advancements, exchanging current research contributions, and encouraging networking and collaboration to devise novel solutions. The CSCS workshop builds upon the foundation laid by the "ACM Computer Science in Cars Symposium" (CSCS symposium) and advances the field of automotive cybersecurity.

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SESSION: Workshop Presentations
Revisiting Automotive Threat Analysis by Leveraging the Elements of the Threat Landscape

The automotive industry faces significant challenges due to rapid advancements in areas such as increased connectivity, automated driving, and electrification. These advancements, coupled with an evolving standard and regulatory landscape, place ...

Open Access
Achieving the Safety and Security of the End-to-End AV Pipeline

In the current landscape of autonomous vehicle (AV) safety and security research, there are multiple isolated problems being tackled by the community at large. Due to the lack of common evaluation criteria, several important research questions are at ...

Open Access
SecPol: Enabling Security Policy Control in Vehicle Networks using Intrusion Detection and Hardware Trust

As vehicle networks become more complex to enable more advanced features like autonomous driving, their cyberattack surface increases. Containing such cyberattacks always requires more sophisticated and adaptive security approaches. The secure ...

Open Access
AI-Driven Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) on the ROAD Dataset: A Comparative Analysis for Automotive Controller Area Network (CAN)

The integration of digital devices in modern vehicles has revolutionized automotive technology, enhancing safety and the overall driving experience. The Controller Area Network (CAN) bus is a central system for managing in-vehicle communication between ...

Open Access
(Un)authenticated Diagnostic Services: A Practical Evaluation of Vulnerabilities in the UDS Authentication Service

Diagnostic communication is an attractive entry point for attackers because of its accessibility and degree of standardization. The prevalent diagnostic protocol used in modern vehicles is Unified Diagnostic Services (UDS). To prevent misuse of ...

Open Access
Classification, Impact, and Mitigation Strategies of Attacks in Automotive Trust Management Systems

With the advent of connected vehicles, which provide many new comfort functions, the attack surface increased as well. Widespread "hard security" mechanisms are used to secure the vehicle and its infrastructure, but they cannot mitigate all threats, ...

V2X Misbehavior in Decentralized Notification Basic Service: Considerations for Standardization

Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV) use sensors and wireless communication to improve road safety and efficiency. However, attackers may target Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication. Indeed, an attacker may send authenticated but wrong data to con-...

  • CISPA - Helmholtz Center for Information Security
  • Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
  • Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences
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