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HEBridge: Connecting Arithmetic and Logic Operations in FV-style HE Schemes

Published: 19 November 2024 Publication History


Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) allows computation over encrypted data without decryption and is considered one of the most essential primitives for privacy-preserving applications. However, there are still no universal FHE schemes that can support efficient and precise evaluation of both arithmetic and logic operations. Many endeavors have been made to enhance the capability of FHE for general computation, such as scheme switching and polynomial approximation. However, the overhead of scheme switching remains prohibitive for real applications with large bit-width inputs. On the other hand, the approximation methods have large errors around the pivotal point, limiting their application in precision-sensitive tasks. Recent studies show that FV-style HE schemes can support efficient and precise logic operations via polynomial interpolation. However, these methods cannot be seamlessly incorporated with arithmetic operations. In this work, we introduce HEBridge to connect the arithmetic and logic operations in the FV-style HE schemes. We first demonstrate that the arithmetic and logic operations operate over different underlying plaintext spaces. To enable continuous arithmetic and logic operations, we propose a reduction function and a lifting function to switch between these plaintext spaces. With HEBridge, we can exploit fast arithmetic and precise logic operations simultaneously in FV-style HE schemes. Experimental results show that the proposed HEBridge is 32.9× faster than direct interpolation methods and 1 to 3 orders of magnitude more efficient than scheme switching on large bit-width inputs.


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Index Terms

  1. HEBridge: Connecting Arithmetic and Logic Operations in FV-style HE Schemes



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    WAHC '24: Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Encrypted Computing & Applied Homomorphic Cryptography
    November 2024
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    Published: 19 November 2024


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