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The theme of this conference - Information Implications into the Eighties - has brought forth papers on a wide variety of topics, but all point to the inescapable conclusion of an explosion of information management problems and opportunities. Movement is occurring in many directions - toward large networks and simultaneously toward personal systems. The Eighties will bring challenges to long-held ideas such as how the modern office does its paperwork (or whether it should use paper at all). These and other problems will provide exciting opportunities for real progress.ACM-SIGIR scheduled this conference in conjunction with the meeting September 28 and 29, 1979, of the Texas Chapter of the American Society for Information Science entitled, "Microcomputers and Information Processing." The Panel Discussion, "Information Implications into the Eighties," was sponsored by both organizations and served as the closing session of the ACM-SIGIR conference and the opening session of the Texas ASIS conference.
Automated monitoring to support the analysis and evaluation of information systems
This paper is based on, and extracted in part from, a much more expanded and detailed manuscript entitled "Monitoring and Evaluation of On-Line Information System Usage", accepted for publication in Information Processing and Management.
A clustering strategy based on a formalism of the reproductive process in natural systems
Given a set of objects each of which is represented by a finite number of attributes or features and a clustering criterion that associates a value of utility to any classification, the objective of a clustering method is to identify that classification ...
Use of dynamic discrimination values in a document retrieval system
The use of discrimination values as a term weighting function in document retrieval systems is examined. It is shown that regular discrimination values are too costly to compute after every update to the data base. Dynamic discrimination values that are ...
An empirical comparison: tree and lattice structures for symbolic data bases
Unidirectional trees and lattices may both be used to hold a symbolic data base consisting of lexes, lexemes or other symbol strings. This paper empirically compares placing symbolic information into both trees and lattices (a lattice may be thought of ...
Document representation models for retrieval systems
Document retrieval system models are presented. Measures to rank the closeness of documents to a query are given. Algorithms to calculate the measures for graph and partition models are provided.
The economic implementation of experimental retrieval techniques on a very large scale using an intelligent terminal
The results and achievements of research in information retrieval have had little influence on the types of retrieval mechanism implemented in the large commercial on-line retrieval systems. Commercial systems still use simple Boolean techniques while ...
The role of information retrieval in the second computer revolution
Information retrieval is conceptually fundamental in human communication as well as in man-computer communication. Computing and Information Retrieval professionals have the opportunity to apply information retrieval techniques within the second ...
Productivity, information technology and the office
It is well known that American productivity has advanced very little in the last ten years in contrast to many other countries' rapidly rising productivity. It is becoming evident that major productivity gains can be made, particularly in the office ...
Message extraction through estimated relevance
METER is a text analysis and retrieval system for non-expert computer users to exploit statistical associations between index terms of documents. It will run on a DEC PDP-11/45 minicomputer with continually changing collections of up to 20,000 documents ...
On the implementation of some models of document retrieval
Recently several models of the search process in a document retrieval system have been proposed and retrieval experiments have shown that they will improve system performance. These include models which use relevance judgements to rank documents in ...
On-Line Personal Bibliographic Retrieval System
The Norris Cotton Cancer Center (NCCC) On-Line Personal Bibliographic Retrieval System was developed to assist researchers at the Center in managing personal or project-related collections of reference materials. The system supports on-line entry, ...