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APL '88: Proceedings of the international conference on APL
ACM1987 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
Sydney Australia
01 December 1987


No abstract available.

APL2-a RISC business

APL2 is one of the most exciting programming languages to evolve from IBM's original APL discovery. APL2 has been restricted to IBM 370 mainframe computers, due to the complexity of the interpreter required to implement all facets of the language.

This ...

Parametric Fourier image characterization toolkit

A suite of APL programs is described for characterization of bounded images for on-line process control or for artificial intelligence recognition functions. Beginning with an acquired threshold and edge enhanced image, the programs:

  • detect the edges and ...

An interactive simulation modeling system: DYNAGRAPH for multi-period planning on an APL spreadsheet

A Modeling System named DYNAGRAPH has been developed on the IBM 5550 Personal Computer with NEXUS 5500 Graphics to interactively build dynamic simulation models using APL functions. A model for the simulation is represented by APL expressions in the ...

Symmetries of the firing squad sychronization problem revealed in a nested array

The firing squad problem of automata theory is described and a simple, nonoptimal solution is given. Examination of output traces shows that the solution has at least one obvious symmetry. If the transition matrix is reshaped and partitioned, the ...

Some APL2 programming examples using nested arrays

Three extracts from a program currently in use are shown and discussed. The program reads seven files, formats the data as nested arrays, and prepares several reports and files. The examples are taken, respectively, from the input, process, and output ...

An introduction to function rank

This paper gives a simple introduction to the concepts of Function Rank and the Rank Operator as they are defined in SHARP APL, and presents examples of their use. It shows the benefits, both in language design and in practice, of these concepts. ...

An APL2 description of the IBM 3090 vector facility
APL object manager

In order to co-ordinate APL code written for the European Commission, which has several different computers (mainframes, minis and micros) and thus several different APL's, a comprehensive set of programming standards was developed. The standards ...

I-APL: A portable ISO APL in under 25K

As part of the I-APL project born at APL86 in Manchester. I was given the job of implementing a new APL interpreter which was portable, small enough to run on micro-computers in use in schools throughout the world, and fully compatible with the final ...

APL in a development environment

One environment in which APL has been strikingly successful is the APL system development group within I. P. Sharp Associates. The development of system programs requires a range of supporting applications for which APL is well suited. The usefulness of ...

Application-sol interaction: an APL2 approach

This paper describes an APL2 application programmer tool which simplifies the development and implementation of APL2 applications which interact with SQL. The described tool consists of a suite of APL2 functions which provide a high level, easy-to-use, ...

High powers of matrices

At the conference APL87 held in Dallas, Dr. Tama Traberman referred to problems associated with Markov Processes. Her example showed a Markov matrix and gave an algorithm for finding powers of that matrix. In this paper we discuss two different ways of ...

Statistics loves APL

To call this paper 'STATISTICIANS LOVE APL' would be self-deluding. To call it 'SOME STATISTICIANS LOVE APL' though vague would be accurate. However a balance then might be desirable by appending '… AND SOME STATISTICIANS HATE APL'. But that title would ...

APL: The language of science and management

APL (A Programming Language) has been in use at the Space Department of The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL) for scientific problem solving. APL was a very attractive alternative to the slow, expensive and often unavailable ...

Computer vision and its application to APL

Computer Vision refers to the application of human vision techniques to a computer, simply put, teaching the computer to see. This branch of computer science is well rooted in several other branches, including: image processing, artificial intelligence, ...

APL2 implementation of numerical asset pricing models

The practice of modern finance theory depends on an ability to generate accurate and timely forecasts of asset returns. In this field, considerable effort has been expended to base the generation of asset returns on a set of state variables driven by ...

Efficient evaluation of the area under the normal curve

The task of evaluating the cumulative distribution of a normally distributed random variable is considered. A brief introduction into this problem is given and several possible approximations are presented as APL functions. Many of these functions have ...

Flexi-View: a multi-dimensional data modeling system

This paper addresses the basic components of a system which facilitates the modeling of multi-dimensional data in terms of a relational database table. The name of the system is FLEXI-VIEW (XVU). FLEXI-VIEW is implemented in APL2 and runs on the IBM ...

Indexing and merging in APL

Mathematically, an array may be usefully viewed as a function, in this particular case, as a function of its indices. A proposal is made for an operator which derives such a function for its array operand.

The proposal is discussed in the context of a ...

From a functional point of view: a framework for extensions to APL

A preliminary framework for investigating certain extensions to APL is presented. This framework allows classification of some past and future language extensions according to their desirability from a functional point of view. Object classes and syntax ...

Parts of arrays-an introduction

Traditionally, APL arrays have three parts: shape, type and elements. This notion is extended to include user defined and additional primitive parts. Functions are defined to manipulate parts. Keyed indexing is introduced to define parts, and also as an ...

APL and finite elements for solving convection-diffusion problems, with examples from gas bearing design

The increasing popularity of finite element techniques to solve fluid flow problems has been due, in large part, to its geometric flexibility and adaptability. APL shares that property. Therefore, it is a natural companion to finite element modelling. ...

The use of APL.68000 access to the Macintosh quickdraw system for the productio n of shadows cast by buildings

This paper describes the considerations involved in predicting the shapes of shadows cast by buildings for any hour, day or month of the year and for any location on Earth.

The power of APL is demonstrated in the general solutions possible for the ...

Comparative analysis of LISP and APL2

LISP and APL2 were both born in 1960's and they have the similar syntax which is called function type.

The main users of LISP were in the universities and the applications were linguistics or formula processing in mathematics.

On the other hand APL was ...

An experimental facility for cooperative processing in APL

The Cooperative Processing Facility was designed to allow cooperation between active workspaces on a host and a workstation. This facility consists of two auxiliary processors on each system. When a workstation is connected to a host system by an ...

APL and SAS in co-operation

This paper describes two different menu-driven applications, in which APL software and the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) are used together. In one (TTK = The Statistical Database System) SAS is called during the execution of an APL application to ...

APL applied in music theory
APL graphics for learning mathematics

Since 1972, math-teachers at Shokei Jogakuin Senior High School have been using computers in their classes. In 1982, they changed from FORTRAN to APL, because APL had more possibilities for enriching math classes. At present, they are using APL Graphics ...

The theory of function arrays

This paper presents a theoretical foundation for objects known as function arrays, which have been widely written about in past conferences. In contrast to the usual constructive approach, where the emphasis is on the method for creating function arrays,...

Incremental systems development-a case study

When Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken started trading bond options a pronounced need for a computerized trading support system arose. As the market changed, the demands on the system changed too, forcing it to evolve in several successive steps. The system ...

  • University of Waterloo
