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APL '02: Proceedings of the 2002 conference on APL: array processing languages: lore, problems, and applications
ACM2002 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
APL02: APL-LPA 2002 Madrid Spain July 22 - 25, 2002
22 July 2002

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Welcome to the city of Madrid in the palindrome year of 2002. You will notice that most things in this conference are palindromes. The conference starts on 2002/7/22, where the year, the month and the day are each palindromes (remember that every one figure number is a palindrome). The subject matter for the conference (Array Processing Languages: Lore, Problems and Applications) gives raise to a nice acronym (APL-LPA 2002) which is also a palindrome.This conference will provide you with a nice chance to meet many people working on the field of array processing languages. It will also allow you to look towards the past, the present and the future of this very interesting set of languages, to see how they are used to solve interesting research problems, and to hear how they are used in real-life applications.I am pleased to present the APL2002 program. In this edition we have decided to offer a three-fold emphasis, in order to cover some of the hottest topics in our area. We encouraged the submission of papers dealing with the following issues:- Lore: That intends to cover the history of Array Programming Languages, including historical considerations on design, implementations, applications, difficulties, standards wars, divergence, vendors, etc.- Problems: That deals with the current use of Array Programming Languages in research and innovation, stressing the advantages provided by the use of the language in building a prototype or the final system. Some straightforward descriptions of advanced research questions are presented, as well as some proposals for extensions for Array Programming Languages.- Applications: Finally, some papers present the actual use of Array Programming Languages for real-life applications, with successful case studies and comparisons with other languages.I am happy to report that the response has been enthusiastic. More than 30 papers were submitted, 25 of them being selected for presentation at the conference. I expect that many of the presentations will encourage lively and enriching debates during the conference. I hope that you will enjoy the program.

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A WordNet interface to APL2

Lexical ontologies have proven a very useful tool for natural language processing, specially where some semantic analysis is necessary. One of the most widely used is WordNet [Miller, 1995]. In this work, we describe an implementation of WordNet that ...

Complex systems in APL: fractals, evolving cellular automata and artificial life

We have been working for several years on the representation, study and simulation of complex systems by means of formal methods. APL2 and other programming languages have been used to develop our tools and experiments. This paper summarizes our APL2 ...

Intelligent quota management system
SmartArrays for the APL programmer

The SmartArrays Software Develop Kit (SDK) is a technology that provides APL-style multi-dimensional nested array operations in traditional languages like C++ and Java. Using the syntax of the host language, SmartArrays provides a multi-dimensional ...

Using an APL approach with Java

Three Java examples are developed to advance an APL approach in reducing conceptual intricacies in Java programming. The key part of these examples is a new Java class named APL. By making an instance of this class, a programmer is in a position to call ...

Formal semantics of APL: a review of initial findings
Vector Pascal an array language for multimedia code
A new calculus for multidimensional arrays
Out-of-control structures

The proponents of Control Structures1 claimed that adding them to APL2 would improve both the organizational structure and the readability of APL code, but in my experience this has not occurred. Instead, I find previous obstacles to readability have ...

Looking back on looking ahead

At the APL90 Conference I presented a paper (Programming Ecology, or APL and the World at Large) in which I suggested that APL's future was dependent on its becoming an integral part of a wider computing environment, and in it I made a number of ...

An interface for user-defined functions in a database application

This paper describes a database application, which permits users to write their own functions in a limited way using a scripting language consisting of a set of canned functions written in APL. Inputs to the function can be database fields and/or ...

Delivering power with minimal restraint: APL and the web

Networked computers have been used for over 30 years. APL has been part of that environment from the beginning. One key value APL has always provided is the ability for individuals and groups to be independent of complex, centralized ...

Automatic composition of music by means of grammatical evolution

This work describes how grammatical evolution may be applied to the domain of automatic composition. Our goal is to test this technique as an alternate tool for automatic composition. The AP440 auxiliary processor will be used to play music, thus we ...

SAPL: APL as client and server for SAP R2/R3 systems

The SAP company (Walldorf / Germany) provides a software interface for its R2 and R3 products called "Remote Function Call" (RFC). This interface is available on multiple operating systems and allows external systems written in C or C++ to directly call ...

Porting the parallel array programming language ZPL to an embedded multicomputing system

This paper describes the port of the ZPL parallel array language to the Mercury-RACE, a multicomputing system designed for embedded real-time applications. We discuss the design of the language runtime system and our strategy on mapping ZPL operators to ...

Dialog template description tool

Application end-user interface normally required by industries can be programmed using mainly AP124 and AP145 in IBM APL2 for Windows. AP124, however, does not support Japanese language in Windows environments. This forces us to depend more on AP145. ...

Jottings from the business intelligence jungle

This paper examines some of the big hitting issues in the business intelligence world and shows how APL remains a key component in the resolution of these issues. It also suggests areas where APL could fill new voids that require flexible development ...

Radial basis function networks in A+

This paper discusses an implementation and application of Radial Basis Function (RBF) Networks. This type of neural networks performs a universal approach to function approximation. The same algorithm and program may be successfully applied to ...

Experiences of A+ under windows
Evolutionary discovery of algorithms as circuits for quantum computers

This paper demonstrates an application of an evolutionary approach for solving a class of non-trivial, hardware-design problems. Array processing features of the computer language APL simplify the implementation of an evolutionary solution in which ...

Dynamic graphic regression

Statisticians and data analysts have always used pictorial representations of data (graphs and charts) to discover and explore relationships between variables, and to communicate their results to other people. Developments in computer hardware and ...

  • Autonomous University of Madrid
  • Autonomous University of Madrid
