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WOWMOM '01: Proceedings of the 4th ACM international workshop on Wireless mobile multimedia
ACM2001 Proceeding
  • Program Chairs:
  • Victor Bahl,
  • Adam Wolisz
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
WoWMoM00: The Third ACM International Workshop on Wireless Mobile Multimedia Rome Italy 21 July 2001
21 July 2001
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It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the historical city of Rome, Italy and to the Fourth Annual International Workshop on Wireless Mobile Multimedia - WoWMoM '01We believe that this will be the best WoWMoM thus far. We base our assertion on this year's program, which we are very proud of. The program consists of 11 technical papers and presentations, broken up into three sessions. The papers contain research results on a variety of problems being faced by deployers and users of wireless technology world-wide.We are able to put together a strong program because of the excellent response we received to our call for papers. We received a total of 48 papers from some of the top research institutes from around the world. Statistically speaking, we received the largest number of papers inWoWMoM's history, 33% more papers than last year. 65% of the papers were from academia and 35% from industry. 47% of the papers were from the United States and Canada and 53% from Europe and Asia. These numbers reflect the fact that WoWMoM is truly an international event and that the area of wireless mobile multimedia is still growing. WoWMoM's success can be attributed to its International Program Committee (PC) whose members are some of the strongest active researchers in the field of wireless multimedia, and who represent our global community remarkably. This year's Program Committee had to work under severe time constraints but they came through with flying colors. All in all we generated a total of 144 reviews, with each committee member contributing over 17 reviews in less than 4 weeks. The process we employed for selecting the final set of papers was rigorous. Once all the reviews were in, we ranked order the papers using different criterions, (for example, overall recommendation, originality of the ideas, product of these two criterion etc.) and then looked at the resulting lists to identify the better papers. We then went through the reviews of each of the papers, reading reviewer comments while keeping in mind the confidence they had placed on their reviews, and looking at the relevance of the paper to WoWMoM. We marked papers with disparate reviews and asked the PC members to resolve their differences and come up with a unanimous recommendation. We discussed over 75% of the papers and following this came up with our list of recommendations. The PC reviewed these recommendations one more time and subsequently the final program was announced. Owing to the fact that WoWMoM is a one-day workshop and the quality of the papers was paramount to us, we selected less than 25% of the submissions. We feel that the result of all this effort is that we can bring to you a fairly high-quality program, which we hope you will enjoy and benefit from.

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SESSION: Session I: QoS in ad hoc and infra-structure based wireless networks
A framework for the admission control of QoS multicast traffic in mobile ad hoc networks

Recently, QoS issues have initiated to be studied in both wired and wireless networks, to support multimedia and real-time applications. In this paper, we propose a framework for the admission control of multimedia multicast traffic and for the system ...

TranScaling: a video coding and multicasting framework for wireless IP multimedia services

The convergence of the Internet with new wireless and mobile networks is creating a whole new level of heterogeneity in multimedia communications. This increased level of heterogeneity emphasizes the need for scalable and adaptive video solutions both ...

Voice transmission in an IEEE 802.11 WLAN based access network

IEEE 802.11 contains a mechanism for transmission of data with realtime constraints known as Point Coordination Function. This supplementary medium access protocol resides on top of the basic medium access mechanism Distributed Coordination Function and ...

A software approach to channel-state dependent scheduling for wireless LANs

This paper proposes a new practical packet scheduling scheme for wireless LANs called SoCPS and also explores extensively the effectiveness of wireless packet scheduling under a variety of conditions over an actual wireless LAN. One well-known aspect in ...

SESSION: Session II: Paging and performance in cellular networks
P-MIP: paging in mobile IP

As the number of Mobile IP users grows, so will the signaling overhead associated with Internet mobility management in the core IP network. This presents a significant challenge to Mobile IP as the number of mobile devices scale-up. In cellular networks,...

A framework for performance evaluation and optimization of an emerging multimedia DS-CDMA network

This paper proposes a framework for performance evaluation and optimization of an emerging multimedia, packet Direct-Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA) network with a wide range of Quality of Service (QoS) requirements on losses and ...

Delay performance of data traffic in a cellular wireless ATM network

The delay performance for self-similar data traffic over a prioritized Time Division Multiple Access with Dynamic Reservation (TDMA/DR) MAC protocol in a wireless ATM setting is evaluated using simulation and approximate analysis. An approximate ...

Service curve assurances versus uplink throughput in CDMA networks

The scheme proposed in this paper balances the partly conflicting objectives of meeting the diverse quality of service (QoS) needs of mobile hosts (MHs) and achieving high uplink throughput in a Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA) ...

SESSION: Session III: Mobility Management in multimedia networks
Tracking Highly Mobile Endpoints

We consider the problem of routing to endpoints with very high "effective" mobility, i.e., when the period between changes in an endpoint's location is comparable to the time it takes for the location tracking mechanism to converge. This could happen ...

Mobility support in unified communication networks

Rapid advances in communication networks and device technologies have enabled people with powerful means of communications. It is common for any individual to be associated with a number of heterogeneous communication devices (such as phones, pagers, ...

ATM connection handover in LEO satellite networks

There is interest in providing global communications service by using a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite network, resulting in many proposals, the most ambitious of which is Teledesic, and the commercial implementation of constellations including Iridium ...

  • Microsoft Corporation
  • Technical University of Berlin
