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EDGE - a graph based tool for specifying interaction
This paper describes a new methodology for specifying and constructing complex interaction dialogs for the design of user interfaces. The method is new in that it promotes a decomposition of the interaction in terms of events in AND/OR graphs called ...
State trees as structured finite state machines for user interfaces
State trees are a technique for specifying the control of an interactive system by organizing states into trees to define shared structure and behavior. The tree structure permits inheritance of state information, event traps, and entry and exit actions ...
Extensions to C for interface programming
Extending the facilities available to a programmer can be more productive, flexible, and appealing when done via additions to the syntax and semantics of the programming language, than when done by way of procedure packages. Database programming, for ...
An overview of the X toolkit
The X11 Window System defines a network protocol [6] for communication between a graphics server and an application. The X library [3] provides a procedural interface to the protocol.
The X toolkit [4] is an object-oriented construction kit built on top ...
The architecture of a user interface toolkit
This paper describes an architecture for a user interface toolkit. It presents the proper layering of the software, describes the architectural model of user interface components or tools, and discusses the software engineering implications of the ...
Event-driven user interfaces based on quasi-parallelism
The Mjølner project is a major Scandinavian effort to develop a programming environment for object-oriented languages. As part of this project we have implemented a user interaction toolkit. The toolkit is programmed in SIMULA™ and is built on the X ...
UNIX Emacs: a retrospective (lessons for flexible system design)
UNIX Emacs is well-known and widely used as a text editor that has been extended in a remarkable number of directions, not always wisely. Because it is programmable in a powerful yet simple programming language, Emacs has been used as a development tool ...
Interface usage measurements in a user interface management system
User Interface Management Systems have provided support for most user interface design personnel with the exception of dialogue evaluators. Potential support that a UIMS can provide to evaluators of user interfaces generated by the UIMS are discussed. ...
Designing the interface designer's interface
The concepts of a user interface management system (UIMS) and user interface designer have become well known in the user interface and graphics community. Most UIMSs developed so far have concentrated on the efficiency of generating the user interface; ...
ACE: a color expert system for user interface design
Color is used in computer graphics to code information, to call attention to items, to signal a user, and to enhance display aesthetics, but using color effectively and tastefully is often beyond the abilities of application programmers because the ...
XY-WINS: an integraded environment for developing graphical user interfaces
XY-WINS is an integrated environment that supports design, prototyping, implementation, and debugging of graphical user interfaces. XY-WINS tools allow user interface designers to work at an abstract level, thus enabling non-experts in computer graphics ...
Building interfaces interactively
The Interface Construction Set (InterCONS) is a visual language and environment. It consists of: a data flow language; an editor for building and testing data flow programs, and for making presentation views of the programs; libraries for holding ...
Using active data in a UIMS
An active data model is one that not only stores data, but also acts upon changes to the data in ways that reflect application domain semantics. This paper introduces an active object-oriented model based on incremental attribute evaluation (one-way ...
Applying a theory of graphical presentation to the graphic design of user interfaces
The increasing availability of computers with high-quality graphics and fonts has created an opportunity and an obligation for user interface designers. The opportunity is that designers can use graphical techniques to design more effective user ...
Dynamic construction of animated help from application context
Help provided as traditional text descriptions has become incompatible with graphical interfaces. Animation suggests a better association between help and a graphical interface. This paper describes a prototype system implemented to demonstrate the use ...
XVISION: a comprehensive software system for image processing research, education, and applications
XVision is a software system for image processing research, education and applications. Xyvision utilizes the X Window System Version 11, which provides a network transparent windowing environment and software portability. Xyvision is designed to ...
A portable user interface for a scientific programming environment
The subject of integrated programming environments for scientific computing has become very popular over the last few years. Environments such as Rn [CCHK87] are being constructed to help coordinate the disjoint activities of editing, debugging, and ...
JACK: a toolkit for manipulating articulated figures
The problem of positioning and manipulating three dimensional articulated figures is often handled by ad hoc techniques which are cumbersome to use. In this paper, we describe a system which provides a consistent and flexible user interface to a complex ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 1st annual ACM SIGGRAPH symposium on User Interface Software