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Requirements analysis for large Ada programs: lessons learned on CCPDS-R
This paper summarizes the experiences of the software requirements team on the Command Center Processing and Display System Replacement (CCPDS-R) program. The CCPDS-R program involves the development of large amount of command and control software while ...
Ada implementation of an X Window System server
Sanders is in the second year of a two year project to implement an X Window System server using the Ada programming language. X is a highly portable, network transparent display management system which was developed at MIT's Project Athena and has ...
The software lifecycle with Ada: A command and control application
Ada has been described as the cure-all for future DoD software projects. However, Ada is just a tool. Only if Ada is properly used, will it help aid software engineers produce a better system. The key to developing a system successfully, is a ...
A model solution for the C3I Domain
This paper1 briefly describes a specific portion of recent work performed by the Domain Specific Software Architecture (DSSA) Project at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) — the development and use of a model solution for message translation and ...
Ada in the Post Deployment Software Support Environment
This paper presents TELOS Federal Systems experiences with the development, evolution, and provision of Post Deployment Software Support (PDSS) for the U.S. Army at Fort Sill, Oklahoma and the impact of Ada on future PDSS of Mission Critical Defense ...
Software design documentation approach for a DOD-STD 2167A Ada project
DOD-STD-2167A and its predecessor DOD-STD-2167 impose significant documentation requirements on software development projects. The 2167 documentation set, particularly for documenting the software design through the life cycle, contained a significant, ...
Incremental software test approach for DOD-STD-2167A Ada projects
One of the key challenges for large Ada software projects is to define and execute an efficient, cost effective, bounded test program that results in a quality product that meets all customer software requirements. This is particularly challenging in ...
Experiences in preparing a DOD-STD-2167A software design document for an Ada project
This paper describes our experiences in using OOD and Ada in developing a Software Design Document (SDD) in accordance with DoD-STD-2167A. The paper first provides an overview of the SDD requirements stated in 2167A. It next describes the initial ...
An environment for operational software engineering in Ada
This paper presents PROTOB, an object-oriented methodology and CASE system based on an extended dataflow model defined using PROT nets. It consists of several tools supporting specification, modelling and prototyping activities within the framework of ...
Workstation/APSE productivity study results
This paper reports the outcome of a study conducted over the past three years to quantify the productivity and quality benefits resulting from the use of engineering workstations and software engineering environments on Ada projects. Improvement data ...
Design issues and team support: experiences of an Ada tool vendor
Experiences, insights gained, and lessons learned in the course of developing two Ada-based graphic design support tools are summarized. The insights and lessons learned fall into two categories. The fist category involves support for various design ...
Deploying expert systems in Ada
As the Department of Defense Ada mandate begins to be enforced actively, interest in deploying expert systems in Ada has increased. This paper introduces a prototype Ada-based expert system tool called ART/Ada. This prototype was built to support ...
Retargeting an Ada source level debugger to CICS
Several characteristics of CICS make design of an Ada source level debugger difficult. This paper describes these difficulties, and solutions used in retargeting AdaView™, (a full featured Ada source level debugger, written in Ada), so that it can debug ...
A network-based development environment for Ada
This paper describes the development environment achieved by integrating an Ada toolset with the Network Software Environment (NSE™). The NSE is a CASE product developed at Sun Microsystems, Inc. that supports parallel software development in a ...
Penelope, an Ada verification system
We are investigating the practical application of formal verification methods to Ada programs. Our motivation is the usual one: formal mathematical proof that a program is correct reduces the reliance on ad hoc testing procedures for quality assurance. ...
Using models in software engineering
The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) has participated in several projects1 in which the focus was on helping contractors make use of good software engineering methods and Ada. During this participation, we have learned several important lessons ...
Reuse: where to begin and why
The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) is interested in identifying the costs and benefits of software reuse to the mission critical computer resource (MCCR) community. In fulfilling this role, we were faced with the need to investigate reuse without ...
Representation methods for software reuse
Many methods for representing software components for reuse have been proposed. These include traditional library science methods, knowledge based methods, and hypertext. In this paper, we survey and categorize these methods, and discuss systems in ...
Establishing Ada repositories for reuse
Ideally, a software reuse repository is a robust, dynamic interchange among software designers. This constantly growing and improving resource assists with—and influences—the creation of quality, cost-efficient software systems.
Setting this process in ...
Holistic case study approach to Ada based software engineering training
The award of the Combat Submarine (BSY-2) contract to GE has challenged the Government Electronic Systems Division (GESD) in terms of involvement in the single largest Ada oriented project development to date in the world. The total project is faced ...
Programming practices: analysis of Ada source developed for the air force, army,and navy
In this paper, we discuss programming practices that have been applied to the development of Ada source for the Air Force, Army, and Navy. We focus on practices shared by various developers producing Ada software for different military applications.
We ...
What makes a good software engineer?
Since the term “software engineering” was coined some 20+ years ago, [4] a number of definitions for both the practice and the practitioner, a “software engineer,” have been proposed. The definition from a recent report on undergraduate software ...
The object-oriented software development method: a practical approach to object-oriented development
The Object-Oriented Software Development Method (OOSD) includes object-oriented requirements analysis, as well as object-oriented design. OOSD is a practical method of developing a software system which focuses on the objects of a problem throughout ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the conference on Tri-Ada '89: Ada technology in context: application, development, and deployment