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EGVE '03: Proceedings of the workshop on Virtual environments 2003
ACM2003 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
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  • United States
IPT/EGVE03: Imersive Progection Technologies/Eurographics Virtual Environments Zurich Switzerland May 22 - 23, 2003
22 May 2003
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This book contains the proceedings of the joint 7th International Immersive Projection Technologies Workshop and the 9th EUROGRAPHICS Virtual Environments Workshop (IPT-EGVE). The event was held in Zurich, Switzerland from May 22nd to May 23rd, 2003. It was organized at the ETH Zurich by EUROGRAPHICS together with the Fraunhofer IAO and in co-operation with ACM SIGGRAPH.The workshop brought together scientists, developers and users from around the world. The latest scientific advances in the field of Immersive Projection Technologies and Virtual Environments were presented and discussed.There were 75 papers submitted for reviewing and 34 were presented at the workshop. Due to the high quality of the submissions, 10 additional contributions were presented as posters with an abstract, also contained in these proceedings. The presentations of the latest research results were complemented by an invited paper from Mark Mine and a keynote talk from Markus Gross, both key researchers in the area of Virtual Environments. IPT-EGVE was organized in four streams: Interfaces and Interaction, Applications, Software and Technology.

Blue-c: a spatially immersive display and 3D video portal for telepresence
Towards virtual reality for the masses: 10 years of research at Disney's VR studio

The VR Studio was founded in 1992 to explore the potential of Virtual Reality technology for theme park attractions. This paper presents an overview of the VR Studio's history, from the location-based entertainment attractions developed for DisneyQuest, ...

Interactive augmented reality techniques for construction at a distance of 3D geometry

This paper presents a series of new augmented reality user interaction techniques to support the capture and creation of 3D geometry of large outdoor structures, part of an overall concept we have named construction at a distance. We use information ...

The invisible person: advanced interaction using an embedded interface

In this paper we describe an advanced user interface enabling even playing games in an immersive virtual environment. There are no common input devices, users presence in the environment, movements, and body postures are the available tools for ...

The ToolFinger: supporting complex direct manipulation in virtual environments

Virtual environments (VEs) such as the Responsive Workbench were designed to support interactive, complex applications. The possibility of direct manual interaction with virtual objects, using both hands in a natural, intuitive way is one of the great ...

Advancements in 3D interactive devices for virtual environments

New commercially available interactive 3D tracking devices and systems for use in virtual environments are discussed. InterSense originally introduced the IS-900 scalable-area hybrid tracking system for virtual environments in 1999. In response to ...

A virtual environment for conceptual design in architecture

We present a virtual environment application that has been developed for conceptual design in architecture and seeks to emulate aspects of a typical designer's work area. The environment provides a means of creating and manipulating basic geometry using ...

Real-time representation of complex lighting data in a nightdrive simulation

For the development of new automobile lighting systems, special raytracing methods are used to completely simulate the illumination properties of the new product. For further evaluation, real test drives with real prototypes are still necessary. But ...

Augmented reality for manufacturing planning

The shortening of development cycles demand for efficient methods and tools for the planning of complex production systems. Recently immersive Virtual Reality technologies have been introduced to the manufacturing planning functions. This has lead to a ...

ViSTA FlowLib - framework for interactive visualization and exploration of unsteady flows in virtual environments

In the past a lot of work has been invested in various aspects of an interactive visualization of CFD simulation data. This includes e.g. increasing the rendering speed and responsiveness of complex visualizations, using and enhancing multimodal user ...

The virtual showcase as a new platform for augmented reality digital storytelling

In this paper we discuss a case study for which we applied a customized augmented reality display -the Virtual Showcase- as a new platform for digital storytelling. Different storytelling components are identified and examples for their specific ...

Immersive VR decision training: telling interactive stories featuring advanced virtual human simulation technologies

Based on the premise of a synergy between the interactive storytelling and VR training simulation this paper treats the main issues involved in practical realization of an immersive VR decision training system supporting possibly broad spectrum of ...

Automated testing of virtual reality application interfaces

We describe a technique for supporting testing of the interaction aspect of virtual reality (VR) applications. Testing is a fundamental development practice that forms the basis of many software engineering methodologies. It is used to ensure the ...

The Metaverse: a networked collection of inexpensive, self-configuring, immersive environments

Immersive projection-based display environments have been growing steadily in popularity. However, these systems have, for the most part, been confined to laboratories or other special-purpose uses and have had relatively little impact on human-computer ...

The blue-c distributed scene graph

In this paper we present a distributed scene graph architecture for use in the blue-c, a novel collaborative immersive virtual environment. We extend the widely used OpenGL Performer toolkit to provide a distributed scene graph maintaining full ...

Immersive sound field simulation in multi-screen projection displays

This paper describes the immersive sound field simulation technology that represents an interactive sound field in the multi-screen projection display. In this method, convolution filters, that were calculated based on the wave equation, are replaced in ...

An innovative design approach to build virtual environment systems

A Virtual Environment (VE) presents a complex problem with interesting non-trivial challenges for software development. The majority of existing systems supporting VE are based on monolithic architectures, making maintenance and software reuse difficult ...

Detecting dynamic occlusion in front of static backgrounds for AR scenes

Correctly finding and handling occlusion between virtual and real objects in an Augmented Reality scene is essential for achieving visual realism. Here, we present an approach for detecting occlusion of virtual parts of the scene by natural occluders. ...

Fast approximate visible set determination for point sample clouds

We present a fast, efficient method to determine approximate visible sets for vegetation rendered as point sample clouds. A hardware accelerated preprocessing step is used to determine exact visibility for a selected set of views; at runtime the current ...

A panoramic walkthrough system with occlusion culling

The interactive and high quality rendering of very complex scenes in a virtual environment is very difficult if not impossible to achieve. This research extends our previous EGVE paper that presents a panoramic walkthrough system, allowing the user to ...

A vision-based head tracking system for fully immersive displays

Six-sided fully immersive projective displays present complex and novel problems for tracking systems. Existing tracking technologies typically require tracking equipment that is placed in locations or attached to the user in a way that is suitable for ...

A testbed for studying and choosing predictive tracking algorithms in virtual environments

We present a testbed for comparing predictive tracking algorithms that allows virtual environment system developers to make better choices about which predictors to use in their environments and aids researchers in determining how predictors work across ...

Double exponential smoothing: an alternative to Kalman filter-based predictive tracking

We present novel algorithms for predictive tracking of user position and orientation based on double exponential smoothing. These algorithms, when compared against Kalman and extended Kalman filter-based predictors with derivative free measurement ...

Search space reduction in optical tracking

In this paper we present a practical method for reducing the space when searching for point patterns in optically tracked virtual reality applications. The method uses a predictor to estimate the future position of a point. The key idea is to define a ...

An affordable optical head tracking system for desktop VR/AR systems

We present an affordable optical head tracking system for desktop-like VR/AR environments. The generic and specific head tracking requirements for these type of environments are de ned, as well as the relaxations such environments put on head tracking ...

PHANToM haptic device implemented in a projection screen virtual environment

This research combines the PHANToM 1.5 haptic device with a six-sided projection screen virtual environment in order to explore the benefits haptic devices bring to this type of immersive environment. The PHANToM is placed on a specially designed and ...

Haptic rendering of complex force fields

With a particular focus in scientific applications, we propose a method of haptic rendering of virtual environments which require rather complex calculations to evaluate their behaviour. Therefore it is not possible to perform the calculations within a ...

Haptic rendering techniques for the interactive exploration of CFD datasets in virtual environments

In pure CFD visualization tools, some flow features are hard to visualize such as the properties of a local flow probe. Haptic rendering techniques offer an intuitive understanding and allow more detailed insights than the visual perception solely. In ...

A comprehensive calibration and registration procedure for the Visual Haptic Workbench

We present a simple yet efficient calibration and registration procedure for improving the overall static display accuracy of the Visual Haptic Workbench. The procedure is used for precisely colocating the visual and haptic workspaces of the system and ...

SoftGenLock: active stereo and genlock for PC cluster

In this paper, we present SoftGenLock, an open source software that enables genlock and active stereo on commodity graphics cards. SoftGenLock is implemented on top of Linux. It does not require any hardware modification of the graphics card. Rather ...

  • Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO
