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Interprocess communication in real-time systems
A variety of solutions have been proposed for ensuring data integrity in nonreal-time systems (i.e. batch or on-line systems). A brief review is made of some of the techniques employed in these solutions. It is indicated why the data integrity problem ...
An experimental implementation of the kernel/domain architecture
As part of its effort to periodically investigate various new promising concepts and techniques, the Digital Equipment Corporation has sponsored a research project whose purpose it was to effect a limited implementation of a protective operating system ...
On the structure and control of commands
An interactive command language, with its underlying data, defines a command environment. In general a command environment supports a number of commands which once issued perform non-interactively, and which when finished leave the old command ...
The UNIX time-sharing system
UNIX is a general-purpose, multi-user, interactive operating system for the Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-1 1/40 and 11/45 computers. It offers a number of features seldom found even in larger operating systems, including
1. A hierarchical file ...
ARGOS: An operating system for a computer utility supporting interactive instrument control
“ARGOS” (ARGonne Operating System), which runs on a Xerox Sigma 5 hardware configuration, provides a dynamic multiprogrammed environment which supports the following: data acquisition and interactive control for numerous (currently 19) independently ...
Multiprocessor self diagnosis, surgery, and recovery in air terminal traffic control
The rapid growth of global aviation for business and pleasure has created the need for automated terminal systems of increasing complexity and capability. Continued increases in the aircraft population will require higher levels of automation. Sperry ...
Online system performance measurements with software and hybrid monitors
Two monitors were implemented to collect information about the behavior of the online system developed and run at Stanford. The response of this online system was slow and main memory was a critical resource. The goal was to extract desired information ...
Summary of minimal-total-processing-time drum and disk scheduling disciplines
This article investigates the application of minimal-total-processing-time (MTPT) scheduling disciplines to rotating storage units when random arrival of requests is allowed. Fixed-head drum and moving-head disk storage units are considered and ...
Optimal folding of a paging drum in a three level memory system
This paper describes a drum space allocation and accessing strategy called “folding”, whereby effective drum storage capacity can be traded off for reduced drum page fetch time. A model for the “folded drum” is developed and an expression is derived for ...
A page allocation strategy for multiprogramming systems
In a multiprogramming, virtual-memory computing system, many processes compete simultaneously for system resources, which include CPU's, main memory page frames, and the transmission capacity of the paging drum. (We define a “process” here as a program ...
Dynamic storage partitioning
A model of paged multiprogramming computer systems using variable storage partitioning is considered. A variable storage partitioning policy is one which allocates storage among the active tasks according to a sequence of fixed partitions of main ...
On reference string generation processes
Efficient memory management is important for optimizing computer usage. Intuition, simulation, experience, and analysis have contributed to the design of space management algorithms. Analytical models require accurate and concise descriptions of the ...
On the probability of deadlock in computer systems
As the number of processes and resources increases within a computer system, does the probability of that system's being in deadlock increase or decrease? This paper introduces Probabilistic Automata as a model of computer systems. This allows ...
Polynomial complete scheduling problems
We show that the problem of finding an optimal schedule for a set of jobs is polynomial complete even in the following two restricted cases.
(1) All jobs require one time unit.
(2) All jobs require one or two time units, and there are only two ...
Scheduling independent tasks to reduce mean finishing-time (extended abstract)
In this paper we study the problem of scheduling a set of independent tasks on m ≥ 1 processors to minimize the mean finishing-time (mean time in system). The importance of the mean finishing-time criterion is that its minimization tends to reduce the ...
Bounds on scheduling with limited resources
A number of authors (of. [12],[6], [7],[3],[11],[4],[5],[9]) have recently been concerned with scheduling problems associated with a certain model of an abstract multiprocessing system (to be described in the next section) and, in particular, with ...
A task-scheduling algorithm for a multiprogramming computer system
This paper presents a description and analysis of a task scheduling algorithm which is applicable to third generation computer systems. The analysis is carried out using a model of a computer system having several identical task processors and a fixed ...
Protection and control of information sharing in multics
This paper describes the design of mechanisms to control sharing of information in the Multics system. Seven design principles help provide insight into the tradeoffs among different possible designs. The key mechanisms described include access control ...
The case for capability based computers (Extended Abstract)
The idea of a capability which acts like a ticket authorizing the use of some resource was developed by Dennis and Van Horn as a generalization of addressing and protection schemes such as the code- words of the Rice computer, the descriptors of the ...
Formal requirements for virtualizable third generation architectures
Virtual machine systems have been implemented on a limited number of third generation computer systems, for example CP-67 on the IBM 360/67. The value of virtual machine techniques to ease the development of operating systems, to aid in program ...
Limitations of Dijkstra's Semaphore Primitives and Petri nets
Recently various attempts have been made to study the limitations of Dijkstra's Semaphore Primitives for the synchronization problem of cooperating sequential processes [3,4,6,8]. Patil [8] proves that the semaphores with the P and V primitives are not ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the fourth ACM symposium on Operating system principles