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Impact of computers on engineering education (Abstract)
Considering the revolutionary effects that computer technology has had on various elements of American life, including banking, retailing, hotel and airline reservations, periodical circulation, business management, industrial inventories, etc., it ...
Implications for computer science departments of the ACM information systems curriculum
The ACM Curriculum Committee on Computer Education for Management last year issued a report containing a variety of curriculum recommendations for graduate professional programs in information systems [1]. The work of the Committee has been supported by ...
Inductive methods of teaching programming languages
In this cult, computer programming is one of the most modern needs in every academic discipline. Students majoring in various subjects are inclined spontaneously to take at least the first course of computer programming with an expectation that they ...
Separation of introductory programming and language instruction
The common instructional approach in first programming courses is to consider jointly programming technique and coding in a particular language. This has the inherent disadvantage of focusing on language details at the expense of the skills of problem ...
Structure and content of service courses in computer science for other disciplines
The purpose of this paper is to discuss some of the problems with, hopefully, some suggestions or lessons learned from past experiences to provide guidelines for workable solutions to these problems.
Some universities, including the one where I am ...
Introductory programming at Cornell
The computer science department at Cornell is a graduate department. Approximately sixty degree candidates are formally enrolled in the computer science degree program, nearly all of them as Ph.D. candidates. There is no formal undergraduate major in ...
ASAP: A language and philosophy for teaching file processing
Because large file processing applications are the dominant activity on computers today, it has been a surprise that computer science departments, and particularly schools of business, have been so lax in the attention given to the subject. It is still ...
Automating introductory computer science courses
This paper describes a project we have recently started for automating introductory computer science courses. Why should these courses be automated? At the University of Illinois there are currently about 2000 students per semester taking various ...
Dynamic instructional models of computer organizations and programming languages
Although there has been much progress over the years, students learning computer organizations and programming languages are usually still working with the computer through several layers of confusion and delay. Highly responsive interactive computer ...
Computer education in two-year institutions: - A natural point of supply for hireable, operational, EDP-applications programmers
This is a personal opinion paper, loaded with obvious prejudices and unsupported charges and claims. As such, it is more fitting that it be presented at Union Square to a convention of rabble-rousers than as an argument to the SIGCSE.
The positions may ...
A two year computer science program
The accelerated accumulation of knowledge in recent years has illustrated graphically the value of developing human resources to their most usable form at an early point in each person's life span. Not only is this early development important to the ...
Experience with computer science at a two year college
A little over five years ago Essex Community College moved from its quarters in churches, former barracks, and a local high school to a campus in northeast Baltimore County, Maryland, and began a period of dynamic growth which saw the faculty double ...
Computer science preparation for secondary school teachers
Computers have now become an extremely important factor in society. It is thus important that education about computers, their use, and the role they are playing in the development and functioning of society be undertaken as soon as feasible in the ...
Teacher training in computer education
It is the intent of this paper to describe a computer education course now available for pre-and in-service secondary school mathematics teachers at the Pennsylvania State University. The development of the present syllabus has been evolutionary and ...
Computer science education for an overlooked group - high school teachers
Since the advent of the electronic computer, revolutionary changes have been made in modern society. As a natural consequence, modernization of the curricula has been called for in our educational system, which includes the grade schools, high schools, ...
The training of teachers in the use of computers in the classroom
The ever increasing use of computers for school administrative and instructional programs poses a continuing challenge for educators. School personnel and students need an intelligent understanding of the computer and its advantages in order to best ...
Discrete structures in the undergraduate computer science curriculum
A course in discrete mathematical structures has been included as a necessary component of a program in all major curriculum studies in computer science. This paper discusses this type of course with respect to problems encountered in its implementation ...
New directions in teaching the fundamentals of computer science — discrete structures and computational analysis
Since the publication of the Curriculum 68 report of the ACM Committee [CUR 68], undergraduate computer science programs have undergone substantial changes. Notably, many courses previously taught at the graduate level have shifted down to the ...
A community/junior college view of curriculum '68
Q: What is a junior or community college?
A: A college that offers two years of a four year undergraduate degree.
Based on such an answer it would be assumed that the difference between a four-year and a two-year college is just that—one offers four ...
Computer science for liberal arts colleges a report of a workshop held at Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois july 12-14, 1972
In response to interest expressed at the second SIGCSE symposium in St. Louis in March, 1972, on the subject of computer science education appropriate for the liberal arts college, a workshop was held at the campus of Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois, ...
An M.S. program in computer science
The present paper describes and discusses a proposed M.S. program in Computer Science prepared by the author for the New Curriculum Committee in Computer Science. Although the paper includes many suggestions and comments made by members of the committee,...
The CUPM recommendations on a computational mathematics program and on the impact of computers on undergraduate mathematics courses
The growing influence of modern electronic computing in many fields of knowledge has contributed to a dramatic increase and diversification in the application of mathematics to other disciplines. No longer are the uses of mathematics confined ...
An integrated [two- and four- year] curriculum in information processing at a state technical college
This paper is a report of one effort to develop a new curriculum in information processing to provide for:
[1] a two-year program, which can be integrated into
[2] a four-year program at our College, and simultaneously
[3] articulate the transfer of ...
A proposal for A B.S. in information systems
Most of the existing computer science and data-processing programs are either vocationally-oriented aiming at entry-level positions, or theoretical programs with no direct career orientation. By contrast, this program aims at a synthesis of theoretical, ...
On the structure of a computing profession
Computer systems are dangerously out of control in several dimensions today. They are out of control with respect to social integrity, with respect to fiscal integrity, and with respect to cost and productivity. It is a simple matter for a knowledgeable ...
Computer science education through a rearview mirror: Experiences with curriculum 68 at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
The state of development of computer science, the views of the computer professionals regarding educational objectives, and the extent and types of post-school employment opportunities constitute the meta-environment for our educational efforts. In ...
The computer science M.S. graduate
In this paper we discuss a survey recently completed of graduates of Penn State who earned the M.S. in Computer Science degree. The purpose of this survey was to permit an evaluation of the effectiveness of the curriculum in preparing students to meet ...
Evolution of a computer science academic program in a college of engineering
Since 1956 the academic program in Computer Science at Michigan State University has grown from a single course offering to the stature of a regular academic department offering bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees and serving over 1700 students in ...
Evolution of a computer science program
At Howard University there is an assortment of analog and digital computers, some of which are coupled to form hybrid computing devices. The University's IBM 360/50 is an operating system time sharing or multi-program facility. In addition to time ...
Use computers to demonstrate the differential equations of aerodynamics
A majority of engineering students are apprehensive about the first courses they take in which they are expected to solve differential equations. Fluid mechanics in aeronautical engineering is perhaps the most difficult engineering specialty from the ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the third SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
SIGCSETS 2025 | 604 | 192 | 32% |
SIGCSE '19 | 526 | 169 | 32% |
SIGCSE '18 | 459 | 161 | 35% |
SIGCSE '17 | 348 | 105 | 30% |
SIGCSE '16 | 297 | 105 | 35% |
SIGCSE '15 | 289 | 105 | 36% |
SIGCSE '14 | 274 | 108 | 39% |
SIGCSE '13 | 293 | 111 | 38% |
SIGCSE '12 | 289 | 100 | 35% |
SIGCSE '11 | 315 | 107 | 34% |
SIGCSE '02 | 234 | 73 | 31% |
SIGCSE '01 | 225 | 78 | 35% |
SIGCSE '00 | 220 | 78 | 35% |
SIGCSE '99 | 190 | 70 | 37% |
SIGCSE '98 | 201 | 72 | 36% |
SIGCSE '97 | 177 | 75 | 42% |
SIGCSE '96 | 205 | 78 | 38% |
Overall | 5,146 | 1,787 | 35% |