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Control flow analysis
Any static, global analysis of the expression and data relationships in a program requires a knowledge of the control flow of the program. Since one of the primary reasons for doing such a global analysis in a compiler is to produce optimized programs, ...
Global common subexpression elimination
When considering compiler optimization, there are two questions that immediately come to mind; one, why and to what extent is optimization necessary and two, to what extent is it possible.
When considering the second question, one might immediately ...
Design characteristics of the WATFOR compiler
About 1960, it became fashionable to introduce computer techniques into many of the courses being taught at the university level. These courses tended to be technically oriented (Engineering, Science, Mathematics), and the language most often used was ...
Optimization aspects of compiler- compilers
A decade of experience with prototype versions of compiler-compilers, some of which have been successful and some of which have not been so successful, leads us to the conclusion that we can now engineer good compiler-compilers which can generate ...
Compilation of optimized syntactic recognizers from Floyd-Evans productions
Floyd-Evans productions are becoming increasingly popular as the metalanguage to be used in describing the syntactic analysis phase of programming language processors. Techniques for compiling optimized syntactic recognizers from Floyd-Evans productions ...
Local optimizations
Some local optimizations (as opposed to global optimizations} are presented and a suitable one-pass compiler design for using them is shown. Optimizations shown are divided into machine dependent and independent classes with examples of each. There is ...
Expression optimization using unary complement operators
For purposes of code optimization there are two basic philosophies of expression analysis: one approach would attempt to do a relatively complete analysis, detecting all redundancies which are logically possible. The other approach would aim at those ...
A formal approach to code optimization
We examine from a formal point of view some problems which arise in code optimization and present some of the results which can come from such an approach. Specifically, a set of transformations which characterize optimization algorithms for straight ...
Effectiveness of an optimizing compiler for arithmetic expressions
This paper defines the notion of effectiveness of an optimizing compiler and presents a proof that a simple optimizing compiler is effective. An optimizing compiler typically consists of a basic compiler and a set of optimizations for special cases. The ...
Optimization problems in extensible compilers
Some observations are made about the special problems of optimization in compilers for extensible languages. Different kinds of extension are defined, and their impact on the processes of compiler optimization are briefly discussed. The problems of ...
Optimization of error recovery in syntax-directed Parsing algorithms
The syntactic error recovery of automatically generated recognizers is considered with two related systems for automatically generating syntactic error recovery presented, one for a Floyd production language recognizer, the other for a recursive descent ...
Optimization for an array computer
The unconventional design of the ILLIAC-IV requires unconventional optimization techniques. Conventional techniques focus on the program. Since conventional hardware executes one instruction at a time, greater efficiency is obtained by reducing the ...
CDC 6600/7600 optimization
Efficient use of the CDC 6600/7600 computers requires maximum utilization of the parallelism (6600/7600) and pipeline (7600) features of the functional units and the ability to perform iterative execution within a minimal number of machine words (6600/...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of a symposium on Compiler optimization