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Goals for computer science education in the 1980s
The nature of computing, and hence of computer science, is changing rapidly. Many topics that now seem interesting will be obsolete or irrelevant within ten years, and our perspective on other topics will change. If a curriculum designed now is to ...
A central Ohio consortium for retraining in computer science
A Consortium of eight Central Ohio colleges and universities is described. The purpose of the Consortium is to provide opportunities for faculty at the participating institutions to be retrained in the field of computer science. These faculty will then ...
Bucking the tide: A transition from industry to academe
How do colleges and universities deal with the increasing student demand for more computer information systems education, while qualified faculty (in short supply anyway) continue to leave for industry's greener pastures? The paper presents the author's ...
Integration of methodology and tools: An approach to teaching systems development
An approach to teaching systems development is presented which integrates the teaching of the tools used in structured analysis with a systems development methodology. The students are taught about each tool at the place in the development methodology ...
Managing and evaluating students in a directed project course
Evaluating individual students is especially difficult in a Directed Project course because the content is dictated by the projects rather than by a fixed syllabus. By merging the evaluation process with the project management tasks, and by using ...
Maniac: A preliminary machine approach to the ACM CS 3 course
The vast amount of machine-dependent details which must be covered concurrently with general architecture and assembly language concepts often hinder the student from assimilating the main objectives of the ACM CS 3 course. Current instructional ...
A paged - operating - system project
This paper describes a student project which is a major part of a senior level Operating Systems course at the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne.
The project consists in conceiving and implementing an entire Operating System, where user jobs ...
Computing in liberal arts colleges
The panelists will describe their experiences and share their thoughts on the special problems involved in teaching computing in the environment of the liberal arts college. Time will be available for attendees to add their own comments.
ACM doctoral dissertation award: ACM international scholastic programming contest awards
Dr. Bell is director of The Computer Museum in Marlboro, Mass., a memeber of the Charles Babbage Institute Program Committee and an editorial board member for the Annals of the History of Computing. As director of The Computer Museum since 1980, she has ...
Using the cloze procedure to assess program reading comprehension
This paper discusses the feasibility of using cloze procedure to assess program reading comprehension. Two Pascal programs were prepared as cloze tests and administered to introductory computer science students. Scores on the cloze tests were found to ...
Inferring cognitive focus from students' programs
Programs written by students in an introductory Computer Science course were analyzed and patterns abstracted from them. These patterns include style of modularization, choice of constructs, choice of vocabulary, and style of communication through user-...
The effect of a preliminary programming and problem solving course on performance in a traditional programming course for computer science majors
A preliminary PASCAL course which emphasized problem solving was designed for incoming computer science majors who were identified as being at risk. In addition, students in the required PASCAL course could transfer back to the preliminary course prior ...
Use of a syntax checker to improve student access to computing
This paper describes the design of a syntax checker which is being used to provide enhanced access to computing for introductory programming students. Syntax errors are detected on a microcomputer prior to submission of the job to the mainframe for ...
A microprogramming simulator for instructional use
The teaching of computer architecture at a low level is made difficult by the complexity of the real systems which are used as examples and tools. This paper describes a processor simulation system which is intended for use at the second and third year ...
Animations of computers as teaching aids
This paper discusses several programs which are used as teaching aids for teaching computer science students. The programs are animations of the internal workings of a central processing unit. They should be particularly useful in assembly language and ...
Progress report: Brown university instructional computing laboratory
An instructional computing laboratory, consisting of about 60 high-performance, graphics-based personal workstations connected by a high-bandwidth, resource-sharing local area network, has recently become operational at Brown University. This hardware, ...
A “hands-on” approach to computer literacy
Computer science departments face an overwhelming demand from the university community for computer literacy courses. In 1982 at Rutgers University we began to offer a “hands-on” literacy course for non-computer science majors. The students learn the ...
Should everyone learn anything?: The question of computer literacy
In developing a new area of knowledge, one of the most difficult problems is working out a framework in terms of which to define the area. The emerging subject of “computer literacy” is a case in point. What should colleges and universities teach about ...
A proposed computer education curriculum for secondary school teachers
A 1983 study investigated the certification of high school computer science teachers. A major portion of the study was devoted to the identification of those computer science courses most appropriate for such teachers and, therefore, for certification ...
Advanced placement in computer science: A summer workshop
A discussion of an in-service course designed to give high school teachers the background needed to teach an Advanced Placement course in Computer Science is presented. The discussion outlines the decisions made regarding equipment and other facilities, ...
Computer science learning at pre-college ages
This paper has been accepted for publication in the proceedings, but the photo-ready form was not received in time. Copies of the paper should be available upon request at the presentation. It may appear in a later issue of the SIGCSE Bulletin.
Software maintenance: A budgeting dilemma
There is considerable effort to reduce the software budget devoted to the maintenance of applications systems. This effort will have the effect of improving productivity of development and maintenance programmers. This means that for a given system over ...
Planning for in-house software engineering education
In summary, a rapidly changing technology, a tremendous growth of software based systems, a need to retrain current technical staff, the issue of programmer productivity, the lack of established educational programs in software engineering at local ...
A workbench for project oriented software engineering courses
We present the Computer Science Scholar's Workbench, a tool kit written in Pascal suitable for research and teaching. It has advantages over contemporary workbenches, UNIX and INTERLISP: a host to support the tool kit costs less than $3,000, the tools ...
Women in science and academe
Karan Wieckert will outline the process, conclusions and recommendations of a report published in February of 1983 by the female graduate students and technical staff in computer science and artificial intelligence at the Massachusetts Institute of ...
Some thoughts on teaching first year programming
Teaching programming to first year classes is most often considered a matter of minor importance. We think otherwise. This paper expresses our viewpoint on the matter and reports on an experiment supporting our viewpoint.
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the fifteenth SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education
Computer science-education outreach: an interdisciplinary collaboration (abstract only)
SIGCSE '13: Proceeding of the 44th ACM technical symposium on Computer science educationA recent focus in CS education has been at the K-12 level, developing CS and computational thinking skills. Oftentimes CS programs find it difficult to get into schools. At St. Scholastica a unique partnership exists between CS and Education. Together ...
Sharing computer science education ideas: Israeli-Russian collaboration
This article describes a unique Israeli-Russian project, in which Israeli high school computer science (CS) teachers promote curricular reform in the Russian region of Penza, based on the Israeli high school CS curriculum. The reform involves local ...
Computer Science at the Interdisciplinary/Interprofessional Education Crossroad: Informatics at Texas Woman's University (Abstract Only)
SIGCSE '18: Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science EducationIt is projected that over 51% of all STEM jobs will be in CS-related fields by 2018 (Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce Report). CS4All is the initiative to "empower a generation of American students with the computer science ...
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
SIGCSETS 2025 | 604 | 192 | 32% |
SIGCSE '19 | 526 | 169 | 32% |
SIGCSE '18 | 459 | 161 | 35% |
SIGCSE '17 | 348 | 105 | 30% |
SIGCSE '16 | 297 | 105 | 35% |
SIGCSE '15 | 289 | 105 | 36% |
SIGCSE '14 | 274 | 108 | 39% |
SIGCSE '13 | 293 | 111 | 38% |
SIGCSE '12 | 289 | 100 | 35% |
SIGCSE '11 | 315 | 107 | 34% |
SIGCSE '02 | 234 | 73 | 31% |
SIGCSE '01 | 225 | 78 | 35% |
SIGCSE '00 | 220 | 78 | 35% |
SIGCSE '99 | 190 | 70 | 37% |
SIGCSE '98 | 201 | 72 | 36% |
SIGCSE '97 | 177 | 75 | 42% |
SIGCSE '96 | 205 | 78 | 38% |
Overall | 5,146 | 1,787 | 35% |