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Pages 1 thru 501 will be found in volume 1. managing reliable software
Engineering reliable software is possible. It is a problem of managing organizational structures. A theory is proposed which organizes the software development process. The theory predicts the effectiveness of several techniques and explains their ...
Software engineering with standard assemblies
The techniques of functional modularity are utilized in a business data processing environment to prepare modules for use in multiple applications. These modules are tested, documented, and stored in a library for later use. Three major applications ...
Computer-assisted telephone interviewing in the survey research process (Panel Discussion)
Research on human populations often involves the use of survey methods for information collection. A recent innovation in the methods available has been the use of computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI). The computer may be utilized for such ...
Yet another conversational programming language - BPL
BPL is an interactive language which is derived from the languages BASIC and Pascal. It was designed as a two-tier language to cater for beginners as well as advanced programmers. The lower level is very similar to BASIC with a few slight modifications ...
A real-time, multi-task programming language for microprocessor-based industrial process control
This paper presents an overview of the design of a real-time programming language whose purpose is to permit an inexperienced programmer to quickly and efficiently implement control of multiple, parallel industrial processes. The programming language is ...
MIDAS: A MID-level language for microprocessors
The language MIDAS (MID-level ASsembly) has been developed to combine the efficiency of assembly languages with the structure and readability of high-level languages. MIDAS allows use of the full register set, flag set, and input/output and interrupt ...
The Wisconsin Tax Model system
A simulation model is a device, generally a computer system, for predicting responses to actions in the real world; a simulation model operates by calculating the effect on given initial conditions which would follow from a set of processes which have ...
Developing and prioritizing data processing applications for municipalities
This paper presents a procedure for analyzing municipal information flows in order to identify discrete databases and prioritize their applications for time-phased implementation. Techniques of user communication and questionnaire design are discussed. ...
Research issues of personal computing within the corporate environment
This paper explores the research issues related to personal computing within the corporate environment. A definition of personal computing is first offered, followed by an examination of how it relates to other areas, such as distributed processing, ...
Statistics and computer science: Recent development in BMDP computing algorithms
BMDP is a comprehensive library of statistical computer programs integrated by a common English-based control language and self-documented save tiles for data and results. The major emphasis in the package is on providing software for the analysis of ...
Statistics and computer science: Problems in statistical computing of interest to computer scientists
The impact of computer science on statistical computing, while important, has not been as great as it should. Part of this is caused by statisticians being unaware of relevant research in computer science. A related, and possibly more serious problem, ...
Programming factors - language features that help explain programming complexity
Programming complexity (the amount of difficulty in constructing a program) may depend upon certain programming factors (choices of programming language features). Using program changes as a programming complexity measure, previous research has ...
Personality and programming: Time-sharing vs. batch preference
Only within the past ten years has some attention been given to psychological concerns of human-machine interface. A review of the literature in this area reveals that personality has received the least attention, but interest is growing. If critical ...
Characteristic errors in programming languages
This paper examines the features of a small ALGOL-like language for characteristic errors. These errors occur in the general use of a language feature, rather than its use in a particular program. Language design and defensive programming are suggested ...
The impending impact of distributed information systems
As computer users become more familiar with the capabilities of the equipment, they prefer to be responsible for their own activities - that is, operate their own equipment (under their own sets of priorities and schedules, within their own budget) and ...
Natural language and voice output for relational data base systems
A method to output answers and reasons in English and/or voice in a question-answering system is presented. The system for which the output is designed has a relational data base. A description of π-relations is given. A π-relation is one which has ...
A semantic approach in designing relational data bases
This paper proposes a semantic approach to data base design in the relational approach. The analysis on entity types, associations and attributes presented may be applied to data base design in other approaches too. Entity types, associations, and ...
A relational storage scheme suitable for derived views
A physical storage scheme used within a relational DBMS is described. The storage scheme is network in nature. The scheme implements physical linkage through shared attributes and enables data duplication to be eliminated. It results in a homogeneous ...
Automatic data acquisition and processing of train deceleration for rapid transit train systems
A microprocessor-based computer system has been developed for the dedicated acquisition of data associated with the deceleration characteristics of trains in a rapid transit system. The computer collects braking profiles (velocity and position) along a ...
A Correlation Echo Sounder Processor used to provide reliable bottom depth data for profiling
The Correlation Echo Sounder Processor (CESP) is a comparison type echo sounder which utilizes replica-correlation signal processing to provide reliable bottom and near bottom depth data for profiling. It is designed to operate with most oceanographic ...
Computer aided design of digital systems: Data part exploration
This work addresses the issue of exploring design alternatives for data part (as contrasted with control part) implementations for digital systems using register transfer (RT) level components. Certain assumptions are made regarding the RT level of ...
Assignments and high level data types
If x and y are integer variables or any other variables of a “simple” type, then the meaning of the assignment x=y is quite similar in different programming languages. The value of y is copied (into a register) and then stored into x so that a fresh ...
On the application of data abstraction facilities
In a recent workshop on the Design and Implementation of Programming Languages, Ledgard[4] asked language designers and researchers on data abstraction whether the encapsulated data type facility is actually used in practical programming. The authors ...
Programming with abstract data types, some examples
The data structuring facilities of contemporary languages like Algol-68, Pascal and Simula supports only one type of graphs, the general graph. It is only possible to define the structure of a node in a graph, not to define how the nodes are ...
Managing systems more effectively through Life Cycle Management
The panel will discuss Life Cycle Management (LCM) as an approach to providing more effective management of Federal data processing systems acquisition. Specifically, the panelists will discuss:
1)LCM as it pertains to planning for systems acquisition; ...
New directions in computing at the National Laboratories
The National Laboratories tend to belong to the category of very large scale scientific computing installations. They are frequently operating on the frontiers of the computing art, but many of the problems they face become, all too soon, the problems ...
The computer profession in the 1980's: An Orwellian interlude? (Panel Discussion)
Every day various news media report the increasing encroachment of data processing on the average person's life. People are beginning to fear that the computer will bring the horrors envisioned in George Orwell's prophetic novel, 1984. This fear is ...
Computer-based courses(Panel Discussion)
This session will be concerned with undergraduate courses which employ the computer, in a substantial Way, as a learning medium. The session participants will each describe one ongoing course which makes extensive use of the computer, showing the role ...
User behavior patterns in the Electronic Information Exchange System
The Electronic Information Exchange System (EIES) is a computerized conferencing system intended to allow both the facilitation of scientific and technical communications and experimentation and research into human information-communication cognitive ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 1978 annual conference - Volume 2