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ACM '73: Proceedings of the ACM annual conference
ACM1973 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
Atlanta Georgia USA August 27 - 29, 1973
27 August 1973

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No abstract available.

Problems facing large Health Information Systems

So many problems exist in implementing large Health Information Systems that a short position paper as this would hardly be able to list them all in the allotted space—let alone discuss them. Consequently, I would like to address just three significant ...

The new focus on health systems management

The period has long since passed when it was considered reasonable to expect the diverse information handling requirements of a medical institution to be managed in a cost-effective manner by a “total hospital information system”. Instead, the computing ...

The Missouri statewide Automated Standard System of Psychiatry problems and partial solutions

The Missouri Automated Standard System of Psychiatry (SSOP) is a system in which both business and clinical information is gathered from a statewide Division of Mental Health. It involves 10 major, 19 minor institutions and a great number of outpatient ...

A note on computational studies for solving transportation problems

This note provides a mathematical explanation for the superiority of certain pivot criterion heuristics when using the Row-Column Sum Method to solve transportation problems. In addition, new pivot criteria are developed using this mathematical ...

A cutting plane algorithm for the fixed charge problem

An algorithm is devised for solving the fixed charge problem with linear constraints. The algorithm employs especially constructed cuts to locate the global optimum point. Computational results are included.

Computational experience with an algorithm for the lock box problem

The lock box problem involves the location of post office boxes within a company's distribution area. Customer remittances are mailed to these boxes and the checks are processed by a local bank. The problem is to locate the boxes in a way that will ...

Computer applications in a cable television environment

The intention of this paper is to survey the field of cable television and computer applications.

An improved full-duplex retransmission technique

Current concepts in computer telecommunication are surveyed. Error detection with retransmission is shown to be the best method in general to achieve near error-free data transmission over common carrier channels. A new version is proposed by the ...

A computerized hypertension management system

This paper describes a patient management system developed for the Atlanta Hypertension Center. This center is one of fourteen centers established for the assessment of the effects of a rigorous follow-up program on morbidity and mortality resulting ...

Preliminary design for POPSY - a POlyProcessor SYstem

This paper outlines the objectives and preliminary design for an experimental POlyProcessor SYstem (POPSY) which we hope to build at the Courant Institute. The motivation for this work is our belief that the dramatic reduction in hardware costs which we ...

Name resolutions using a microprogrammed interpretive technique

During the compiling process certain name resolutions must be made to ascertain whether a particular name has been used previously. If it has been used previously, the attributes this particular name possesses must be noted for use during the execution ...

Computational aspects of a Dual algorithm for quadratically constrained quadratic programs

Computational Aspects of a Dual Algorithm for Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programs

On the syntax and semantics of horizontal microprogramming languages

Horizontally microprogrammable computers provide the potential for efficient use of hardware through parallel operation of internal resources. Present languages for microprogramming such computers, however, contain unnatural symbolism, inflexible format ...

Direct microprogrammed execution of the intermediate text from a high-level language compiler

Microprogramming commonly executed operations can improve the computational speed of data processing systems. This paper describes how microprogramming may be used to execute directly the intermediate text generated by a high-level language compiler ...

The computer animated film: A dynamic cartography

In the mid 1960's it became evident that the computer animated film offered great potential for developments in the field of cartography. The following example is a realization of that perception. Traffic crash coordinate data from Washtenaw County ...

Interactive graphics in water quality investigations

The sheer bulk of STORET (currently about 700 x 106 bytes) coupled with a relatively inefficient mode of retrieval very nearly prohibits an interested agency from making timely and meaningful use of the available data. Moreover, even given the ...

Software for satellite graphics systems

This paper has four purposes. Each is addressed in one of the four following sections. In section 2 the motivations for satellite graphics are briefly summarized. Section 3 briefly reviews the past and current technological developments which have made ...

The impact of a computers and society course on student perspectives

This report describes a course entitled “Perspectives on computers and society” and presents findings from student assessments of course impact and attitude change. Almost all of the class members were computer science majors and they entered with ...

Computer people and their attitudes toward computerization: A social survey of the ACM'70 Conference

During the 1970 ACM Annual Conference, a sample of persons were interviewed as they wandered through the exhibit hall. Both computer people and others were asked how they felt about computers and databanks. Although computer people are less negative in ...

Automatic Steno translation

The first preliminary computer translation of machine produced stenographic notes was described in Salton 1959. Since then other approaches have been suggested but none seem to have succeeded. In the meantime the need for a solution becomes more and ...

Applications of the inner product computer

Recently much interest has been expressed in the idea that future improvements in computer speed will be due primarily to architectural innovations as opposed to improvement in the characteristics of components (i.e., logic circuits, delays, memories, ...

Conditional syntactic specification

In this paper, the shortcomings of Backus Naur specification of the syntactic properties of programming languages are investigated and a method for the specification of context-sensitive properties is suggested. Based on the notation of the tree ...

A survey of compiler optimization techniques

This survey describes the major optimization techniques of compilers and groups them into three categories: machine dependent, architecture dependent, and architecture independent. Machine-dependent optimizations tend to be local and are performed upon ...

A tool for enforcing system structure

Reliability considerations had little influence in the design of the first generation of computers. Notable exceptions being, on the hardware side, some circuitry incorporated into the UNIVAC I for checking purposes, and on the software side, the ...

On program control structure

The syntax of the DO-WHILE is revised so as to distinguish the semantics of logical control of iteration from those of site of test within the scope of the DO. The corresponding control graph (flowchart subdiagram) is shown to be a combination of ...

Algorithm dynamics

A technique for measuring simple structural properties of algorithms is described. Using these measures, it is found that for a non-trivial class of algorithms there is a quantitative relationship between operators and operands and their usage. ...

Recovery semantics for a DB/DC system

Presented is a unified, systematic view of integrity/recovery as it relates to a data-processing system—whether man, machine, or both.

The concept, sphere of control (SOC), as a bound around a process, is developed to permit describing and solving many ...

Recovery scenario for a DB/DC system

Previously developed sphere-of-control (SOC) concepts are used to develop a scenario for post-process recovery. An information structure provides the recovery boundary around the effects of the usage of a resource. Rules for building this structure are ...

Extended polynomial algorithms

It is shown that standard polynomial algorithms may be applied to a much wider class of functions by making a straightforward generalization of the concept of exponent. The implementation of a computer algebra system from a standard set of polynomial ...

On the substitution of polynomial forms

The problem of devising efficient algorithms for computing Q(x1,...,xr-1, P(x1,...,xr-1)) where P and Q are multivariate polynomials is considered. It is shown that for polynomials which are completely dense an algorithm based upon evaluation and ...


Index Terms

  1. Proceedings of the ACM annual conference
