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MERLIN '03: Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Mechanized reasoning about languages with variable binding
ACM2003 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
MERLIN03: Mechanized Reasoning about Languages with Variable Binding 2003 Wokshop Uppsala Sweden 26 August 2003
26 August 2003
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A definitional approach to primitivexs recursion over higher order abstract syntax

It is well known that there are problems associated with formal systems which attempt to combine higher order abstract syntax (HOAS) with principles of induction and recursion. We describe a formal system, called Bsyntax, which we have implemented in ...

Reasoning about recursive procedures with parameters

In this paper we extend the model of program variables from the Refinement Calculus [2] in order to be able to reason more algebraically about recursive procedures with parameters and local variables. We extend the meaning of variable substitution or ...

Reasoning on an imperative object-based calculus in Higher Order Abstract Syntax

We illustrate the benefits of using Natural Deduction in combination with weak Higher-Order Abstract Syntax for formalizing an object-based calculus with objects, cloning, method-update, types with subtyping, and side-effects, in inductive type theories ...

Compiler implementation in a formal logical framework

The task of designing and implementing a compiler can be a difficult and error-prone process. In this paper, we present a new approach based on the use of higher-order abstract syntax and term rewriting in a logical framework. All program ...

Verifying CPS transformations in Isabelle/HOL

We have verified several versions of the CPS transformation in Isabelle/HOL. In our verification we adopted first-order abstract syntax with variable names so that the formalization is close to that of hand-written proofs and compilers. To simplify ...

A modal foundation for meta-variables

We report on work in progress regarding a foundation for the notion of meta-variable in logical frameworks and type theories. Our proposal is to treat meta-variables as modal variables in a modal type theory, which is logically clean and justifies ...

A unified category theoretic approach to variable binding

We give a general category theoretic formulation of the approach to modelling variable binding first proposed by Fiore, Plotkin, and Turi. This general formulation allows us to include variable binding as they have it, as well as Tanaka's linear ...

Representing reductions of NP-complete problems in logical frameworks: a case study

Under the widely believed conjecture P≠NP, NP-complete problems cannot be solved exactly using efficient polynomial time algorithms. Furthermore, any instance of a NP-complete problem can be converted to an instance of another problem in NP in ...

Explicit substitutions and higher-order syntax

Recently there has been a great deal of interest in higher-order syntax which seeks to extend standard initial algebra semantics to cover languages with variable binding by using functor categories. The canonical example studied in the literature is ...

A formalization of an Ordered Logical Framework in Hybrid with applications to continuation machines

We report on work in progress devoted to the formalization of an Ordered Logical Framework (OLF) [16] based on a two-levels architecture [10] in the Hybrid system [2]. OLF here is a second-order version of ordered linear logic to be used as a meta-...

Mechanising Hankin and Barendregt using the Gordon-Melham axioms

I describe the mechanisation in HOL of some basic λ-calculus theory, using the axioms proposed by Gordon and Melham [4]. Using these as a foundation, I mechanised the proofs from Chapters 2 and 3 of Hankin [5] (equational theory and reduction theory), ...
