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SCG '90: Proceedings of the sixth annual symposium on Computational geometry
ACM1990 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
SOCG: 6th Annual Conference on Computational Geometry Berkley California USA June 7 - 9, 1990
01 May 1990

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No abstract available.

Cutting hyperplane arrangements

We will consider an arrangement H of n hyperplanes in Ed (where the dimension d is fixed). An ε-cutting for H will be a collection of (possibly unbounded) d-dimensional simplices with disjoint interiors, which cover all Ed and such that the interior of ...

Some new bounds for Epsilon-nets

Given any natural number d, 0 < ε < 1, let ƒd(ε) denote the smallest integer ƒ such that every range space of Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension d has an ε-net of size at most ƒ We solve a problem of Haussler and Welzl by showing that if d ≥ 2, then ƒd(ε) > ...

How to net a lot with little: small ε-nets for disks and halfspaces

It is known that in general range spaces of VC-dimension d > 1 require ε-nets to be of size at least Ω(d/ε log 1/ε). We investigate the question whether this general lower bound is valid for the special range spaces that typically arise in computational ...

Polygon triangulation in O(n log log n) time with simple data-structures

We give a new Ο(n log log n)-time deterministic linear-time algorithm for triangulating simple n-vertex polygons, which avoids the use of complicated data-structures. In addition, for polygons whose vertices have integer coordinates of polynomially ...

An O(n2log n) time algorithm for the MinMax angle triangulation

We show that a triangulation of a set of n points in the plane that minimizes the maximum angle can be computed in time O(n2 log n) and space O(n). In the same amount of time and space we can also handle the constrained case where edges are prescribed. ...

Structured visibility profiles with applications to problems in simple polygons (extended abstract)

A number of problems in computational geometry involving simple polygons can be solved in linear time once the polygon has been triangulated. Since the worst-case time bound for triangulating a general simple polygon is currently super-linear, these ...

Minimum-link paths among obstacles in the plane

Given a set of nonintersecting polygonal obstacles in the plane, the link distance between two points s and t is the minimum number of edges required to form a polygonal path connecting s to t that avoids all obstacles. We present an algorithm that ...

Parallel methods for visibility and shortest path problems in simple polygons (preliminary version)

In this paper we give efficient parallel algorithms for solving a number of visibility and shortest path problems for simple polygons. Our algorithms all run in Ο(log n) time and are based on the use of a new data structure for implicitly representing ...

The combinatorial complexity of hyperplane transversals

We show that the maximum combinatorial complexity of the space of hyperplane transversals to a family of n separated and strictly convex sets in Rd is Θ(n⌊d/2⌋), which generalizes results of Edelsbrunner and Sharir in the plane. As a key step in the ...

Computational complexity of combinatorial surfaces

We investigate the computational problems associated with combinatorial surfaces. Specifically, we present an algorithm (based on the Brahana-Dehn-Heegaard approach) for transforming the polygonal schema of a closed triangulated surface into its ...

Points and triangles in the plane and halving planes in space

We prove that for any set S of n points in the plane and n3-α triangles spanned by the points of S there exists a point (not necessarily of S) contained in at least n3-3α/(512 log5 n) of the triangles. This implies that any set of n points in three-...

Slimming down by adding; selecting heavily covered points

We show that for any set Π of n points in three-dimensional space there is a set Q of 𝒪(n1/2 log3 n) points so that the Delaunay triangulation of Π ∪ Q has at most 𝒪(n3/2 log3 n) edges — even though the Delaunay triangulation of Π may have Ω(n2) ...

A trivial knot whose spanning disks have exponential size

If a closed curve in space is a trivial knot (intuitively, one can untie it without cutting) then it is the boundary of some disk with no self-intersections. In this paper we investigate the minimum number of faces of a polyhedral spanning disk of a ...

Geometric computations with algebraic varieties of bounded degree

The set of solutions to a collection of polynomial equations is referred to as an algebraic set. An algebraic set that cannot be represented as the union of two other distinct algebraic sets, neither containing the other, is said to be irreducible. An ...

On computing the intersection of B-splines (extended abstract)

We consider the problem of computing a piecewise linear approximation to the intersection of a pair of tensor product B-spline surfaces in 3-space. The problem is rather central in solid modeling. We present a fast and robust divide-and-conquer ...

Merging visibility maps

Let V be a set of objects in space for which we want to determine the portions visible from a particular point of view υ. Assume V is subdivided in subsets V1,…, Vz and the visibility maps Μ1, … Μz of these subsets from point ugr; are known. We show ...

Stabbing and ray shooting in 3 dimensional space

In this paper we consider the following problems: given a set T of triangles in 3-space, with |T| = n,

  • answer the query “given a line l, does l stab the set of triangles?” (query problem).

  • find whether a stabbing line exists for the set of triangles (...

    K-d trees for semidynamic point sets

    A K-d tree represents a set of N points in K-dimensional space. Operations on a semidynamic tree may delete and undelete points, but may not insert new points. This paper shows that several operations that require Ο(log N) expected time in general K-d ...

    On the optimal bisection of a polygon (extended abstract)

    We give a polynomial approximation sceme for subdividing a simple polygon into approximately equal parts by curves of the smallest possible total length. For convex polygons we show that an exact fast algorithm is possible. Several generalizations are ...

    Euclidean minimum spanning trees and bichromatic closest pairs

    We present an algorithm to compute a Euclidean minimum spanning tree of a given set S of n points in @@@@d in time 𝒪(Τd(N, N) logd N), where Τd(n, m) is the time required to compute a bichromatic closest pair among n red and m blue points in @@@@d. If ...

    Linear programming and convex hulls made easy

    We present two randomized algorithms. One solves linear programs involving m constraints in d variables in expected time Ο(m). The other constructs convex hulls of n points in Rd, d > 3, in expected time Ο(nd/2⌉). In both bounds d is considered to be a ...

    On simultaneous inner and outer approximation of shapes

    For compact Euclidean bodies P, Q, we define λ(P, Q) to be smallest ratio r/s where r > 0, s > 0 satisfy sQ′PrQ″. Here sQ denotes a scaling of Q by factor s, and Q′, Q″ are some translates of Q. This function λ gives us a new distance function ...

    Maximin location of convex objects in a polygon and related dynamic Voronoi diagrams

    This paper considers the maximin placement of a convex polygon P inside a polygon Q, and introduce several new static and dynamic Voronoi diagrams to solve the problem. It is shown that P can be placed inside Q, using translation and rotation, so that ...

    Constructing strongly convex hulls using exact or rounded arithmetic

    One useful generalization of the convex hull of a set S of points is the ε-strongly convex δ-hull. It is defined to be a convex polygon Rgr; with vertices taken from S such that no point in S lies farther than δ outside Rgr; and such that even if the ...

    Finding compact coordinate representations for polygons and polyhedra

    A standard technique in solid modeling is to represent planes (or lines) by explicit equations and to represent vertices and edges implicitly by means of combinatorial information. Numerical problems that arise from using floating-point arithmetic to ...

    Some provably hard crossing number problems

    This paper presents a connection between the problem of drawing a graph with minimum number of edge crossings, and the theory of arrangements of pseudolines. In particular, we show that any given arrangement can be forced to occur in every minimum-...

    Enumeration and visibility problems in integer lattices (extended abstract)

    We study enumeration and visibility problems in the d-dimensional integer lattice Ldn of d-tuples of integers ≤ n. In the first part of the paper we give several useful enumeration principles and use them to study the asymptotic behavior of the number ...

    • Saarland University


    Acceptance Rates

    Overall Acceptance Rate 625 of 1,685 submissions, 37%
    SoCG '131374835%
    SCG '051414129%
    SCG '041474933%
    SCG '031184236%
    SCG '021043534%
    SCG '011063937%
    SCG '001234133%
    SCG '991034443%
    SCG '981104440%
    SCG '971997538%
    SCG '96934852%
    SCG '951295946%