Get started: libraries

Our premier tool for libraries is the Unsub dashboard (formerly called Unpaywall Journals). It mashes up journal-level OA data with your institution's citation patterns and COUNTER download info, then builds a comprehensive model to forecast how cancellation or subscription decisions will affect library costs and fulfillment--letting you confidently made decisions about your Big Deals and individual subscriptions. We were named "Most Impactful New Product" at the 2019 Charleston Conference, and hundreds of libraries are already users.

Check out Unsub!

Librarians can also integrate Unpaywall into their SFX,360 Link, or Primo link resolvers, so library users can read OA copies in cases where there's no subscription access. Over 1000 libraries worldwide are using this now.

Institutional Repository managers

IR managers can use Unpaywall data to find OA resources that faculty have posted online, without depositing in their IR. These can be automatically ingested, significantly increasing IR coverage without needing to convince faculty to deposit. Repositories of all sizes have used Unpaywall data in this way. SwePub (national repository of Sweden) added 75,000 new OA records, increasing number of OA records by over 30%, while the smaller the Carleton University IR added 1000 OA records, doubling their fulltext coverage. There are a few good ways to access our data for this use case: download the whole dataset, check lists of records by DOI, or taking advantage of Unpaywall's integration into Dimensions, Web of Science, and Scopus.

Of course, this is just a very quick overview...if you have any questions, or want to use Unpaywall in a way that's not described here, please drop us a line and we'll be happy to help!